
20 Major Events From The Past That Changed Life As We Know It

20 Major Events From The Past That Changed Life As We Know It

Earth Shattering History

Significant events in history have shaped the way the world has become. From scientific discoveries to devastating wars, humanity has gone through some massive changes. We’ve noted twenty of the most crucial events that have shattered and reshaped life on Earth. 

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1. The Neolithic Revolution 

The Neolithic Revolution, a.k.a. The Agriculture Revolution, dates all the way back to 10,000 BC and was a significant turning point in the way of life for humanity. Humans no longer needed to travel far and wide to hunt and gather their food, they discovered how to grow crops and domesticate animals in one location. Villages were established due to agriculture which eventually grew into cities.    

File:24. 7. 1985, an diesem Tag wurde das Fränkische Schweiz Museum eröffnet. 18.jpgHolger Uwe Schmitt on Wikimedia

2. The Invention Of Writing

The invention of writing might not seem as major as a war or a scientific discovery but it might be the most revolutionary event that changed the world. Writing changed the way people communicated and societies operated. Laws and morals of civilizations were established and knowledge could be preserved and passed on from generations. Books are more powerful than ever.  

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3. The Roman Empire Expansion

From 27 BC to 476 AD, the Roman Empire expanded until it occupied all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Much of our modern political system is rooted in the legal systems of the Romans. With Latin as their mother tongue, language was also a major contribution of this ancient empire. Many languages, including French, Italian, and even some English, stem from Latin. 

a statue of a man in front of a buildingFederico Di Dio photography on Unsplash



4. Christopher Columbus & Colonization

Colonization was born after Christopher Columbus spread the word of his discovery of America. Europe’s nations began to settle in new territories, bringing their resources and technologies with them and causing radical changes. Civilizations were merging with some positive but mainly negative interactions, but Europe ultimately seized most of the land.   

File:Columbus Taking Possession.jpgL. Prang & Co., Boston on Wikimedia

5. The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution had a dramatic impact on the world socially and economically. The shift from an agricultural society to an industrial economy brought significant change to the manufacturing of goods that could now be produced on a massive scale. The invention of the steam engine was the first technology to spark the industry, followed by machinery that allowed production to be done quicker and without manual labor.     

File:Lewis Hine Power house mechanic working on steam pump.jpgLewis Hine on Wikimedia

6. World War I

Several wars altered the state of the world throughout history but WWI and WWII defined the course of humanity the most. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918 which caused great change to the European and Middle Eastern borders. New countries were established such as Austria, Hungary, and Lithuania, and Yugoslavia was created by merging Serbia, Montenegro, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  

War reporters in Langewaede, Belgium during World War I.Library of Congress on Unsplash

7. World War II

The Second World War happened between 1939 and 1945 and defined what we know as the New World. Major consequences after the wars completely changed the world. A few significant examples include the founding of the United Nations, an organization to promote peace and bring nations closer together. Decolonization began to happen around the globe, especially in Africa, and technology advanced in computing, transportation, medicine, and more.    

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8. The Discovery Of Penicillin

Thanks to Alexander Fleming, the world of medicine changed forever. His discovery of penicillin created life-saving drugs and the era of antibiotics began. Penicillin is recognized as one of the greatest advances in medicine in history and it helped sick and wounded soldiers in the war, as experts raced against death to produce it.   

File:Photographie La fabrication du premier antibiotique, la pénicilline - Archives nationales - 19900512-29.jpgArchives nationales (France) on Wikimedia

9. The Great Depression

After the US stock market crashed, from 1929-1939 the Great Depression was a decade of heavy global economic downturn. Unemployment rates skyrocketed as businesses went bankrupt and there was a crisies of liquidity. Life was severely difficult for many people across the world and the time was considered early growing pains of globalization.    

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10. The Invention Of The Atomic Bomb

World War II ended after US atomic bombs struck Hiroshima and Nagasaki, instantly killing over 115,000 people followed by a further 100,000 people dying from radiation poisoning. The development of the bomb was reported to have started in 1942 and scientists were unaware of its magnitude. To this day, the threat of its mass destruction still lingers. 

File:Castle Romeo.jpgUnited States Department of Energy on Wikimedia

11. The Civil Rights Movement

The 60s were a pivotal time for African Americans living in oppressive segregation in the USA. Significant leaders of the movement were the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcom X, who’s brave activism caught nationwide and global attention. Although racism is still among us, the Civil Rights Movement sparked drastic changes in equality for Black Americans. 

Demonstrators holding signs demanding the right to vote and equal civil rights at the March on WashingtonUnseen Histories on Unsplash

12. Women In Justice

Sandra Day O’Connor was the first woman to ever be appointed as Supreme Court Justice in 1981. She made history, becoming a trailblazer for women in politics, carving the path for future female leaders. 

File:Sandra Day O'Connor 1982.jpgUnattributed on Wikimedia


13. JFK Assassination

When US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, American and international politics changed forever. It was one of the most covered historical events of all time, being published in countless magazines and newspapers worldwide. To this day, JFK and his wife Jaqueline have been strong influential icons for politics and lifestyle.   

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14. The Moon Landing

In 1969, humanity saw a man on the moon for the first time ever. The moon landing is the most famous event in the history of science and technology. New revolutionary technology sparked from the world-shaking space expedite such as microwaves, smaller computers, and GPS systems, to name a few.   

File:Aldrin Apollo 11.jpgNeil A. Armstrong on Wikimedia

15. The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was a symbol of the “Iron Curtain”, splitting Communist authoritarian states and Eastern liberal democracies of Europe. The wall prevented East Germans to escape to the West. In 1989, the Berlin Wall began to crumble after German leaders loosened its borders, giving in to the massive protest that had stuck days earlier. The border opened up completely even though it wasn’t intentional.   

File:Berlin Wall section April 2024.jpgBindiS on Wikimedia



16. The Russian Revolution

The Russian Empire was experiencing severe political, social, and economic issues in the early 1900s. In 1917, the revolution struck the civil war in Russia, which led to the world’s first communist state. Russia has been an incredibly powerful nation ever since, affecting international politics greatly.  

File:Armed soldiers carry a banner reading 'Communism', Nikolskaya street, Moscow, October 1917.jpgUnknown authorUnknown author on Wikimedia

17. Chinese Communists Rise

In July 1921, the Chinese Communist Party was founded with the rise of Mao Zedong and Red China. It only took three weeks to convene its first National Congress. It not only caused havoc in their nation, it's been brought major challenges to the world. Communism in China reigned for the next 28 years before the nation became the People's Republic Of China. 

File:Mao Zedong 1959 color.jpg孟庆彪(新华社摄影部中央新闻组记者)、Hou Bo(新华社驻中南海记者) on Wikimedia


18. The Terrorist Attacks Of 9/11

Four hijacked passenger planes on September 9, 2011, devasted the world and caused intense changes. After being struck by the planes, the two towers of the World Trade Center collapsed along with Pentagon building in Washington DC. Since this terrorist attack, airport security and anti-terrorist legeslations have increased protocols drastically and the world has never been the same since.    

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19. The Age Of Google

Google was launched in 1998 and has changed life more than we know. It is the most used and recognizable search engine in the world and the internet has been changed every since. It has sparked many other internet advances, connecting the world together on screen.   

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20. Covid-19 Pandemic

The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in early 2020 shattered our modern world dramatically. For the first time, countries around the world shut their borders completely as the fatal virus spread rapidly. The most recognizable changes coming out of this pandemic are the increase in remote workers, the housing crisis, and polarizing views of vaccinations.   

Anna ShvetsAnna Shvets on Pexels



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