How Many Of These Facts Do You Know?
Abraham Lincoln is still one of the most iconic US presidents. Everyone knows about his biggest accomplishments like preserving the Union and ending slavery, but there are many sides of Lincoln that we bet you don't know. Here are 20 interesting lesser-known facts about "Honest Abe."
1. He Was A Licensed Bartender
Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender before becoming president. He co-owned a tavern called Berry and Lincoln in New Salem, Illinois.
2. He Was A Gifted Wrestler
Lincoln was such a good wrestler, his name is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame. He reportedly only lost one match out of 300.
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3. He Suffered from Severe Depression
Throughout his life, Lincoln experienced bouts of debilitating depression that would get so bad at times that those close to him feared he would engage in self-harm. He combated his melancholic thoughts by engaging in works of humor.
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4. He Was A Self-Taught Lawyer
Despite having less than a year of formal schooling, Lincoln passed the bar after teaching himself law. His reputation for honesty and integrity as a lawyer earned him the nickname "Honest Abe."
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5. He Had A High-Pitched Voice
Contrary to what you might expect from someone with such a commanding presence, Lincoln's voice was described as shrill and high-pitched. It was this voice Daniel-Day Lewis used to portray him.
6. He Used to Be a Riverboat Pilot
A jack of all trades, Lincoln was a riverboat pilot, ferry operator, and flatboat builder before becoming president. He used the flatboat he built to travel down the Mississippi River to New Orleans in 1828.
7. He Created The Secret Service
Lincoln signed the legislation establishing the Secret Service. Ironically, this happened on the very day he was assassinated.
U.S. Secret Service on Wikimedia
8. He Had A Patent
Inspired by his time working with boats, Lincoln had a patent for a device to lift boats over shoals and obstructions. He is the only US president to hold a patent.
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9. He Was The First President Not Born In One Of The Original 13 States
Born in Kentucky in 1809, Lincoln was the first president born outside of the original 13 colonies. He was also the first president born in one of the Southern states who never owned slaves.
10. His Murderer's Brother Saved His Son's Life
A few months before John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln, the president's eldest son, Robert Todd Lincoln, fell off the train platform onto the tracks in New Jersey. He was pulled to safety by John Wilkes Booth's brother, Edwin.
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11. He Was the First President with a Beard
Known for his iconic facial hair, Lincoln was the first US president to sport a beard. He grew it during his 1860 presidential campaign after receiving a letter from an 11-year-old girl who suggested it would improve his appearance and help him with the election.
12. He Dreamed of His Own Death
Lincoln told his friend, biographer Ward Hill Lamon, that he had an eery dream where he saw himself lying in a coffin in the White House shortly before his assassination. He was unable to sleep the rest of the night and was reportedly reluctant to attend the play at Ford's Theatre because of the dream.
13. He Test-Fired Rifles Outside The White House
Lincoln had a passion for gadgets and artillery. Although it was prohibited to fire weapons in DC, Lincoln personally test-fired rifles and muskets on White House grounds.
14. He Never Slept In The Lincoln Bedroom
Despite its name, Lincoln never slept in the Lincoln Bedroom. He used it as his cabinet room and office and it's even where he wrote the famous Gettysburg Address.
15. He Carried Letters from His Childhood in His Hat
Lincoln used his iconic stovepipe hat to store nostalgic letters from his childhood. Additionally, because he was forgetful, he used it as a mini briefcase and would store important documents there.
16. He Loved Cats
Lincoln was the first president to bring cats to the White House. He was known to spend time playing and patting his cats to relieve stress, and he even let stray cats into the White House.
17. His Dog Was The First Presidential Pet To Be Photographed
Lincoln also had a dog called Fido. He was the first presidential pet to be photographed, starting a long-held tradition.
18. He Was Absurdly Tall
Still the tallest US president ever, Lincoln was six foot, four inches tall. Compare that to the average man's height at that time which was five feet, six inches.
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19. He Was A Poor Dancer
Lincoln had many skills, but dancing wasn't one of them. He met Mary, his future wife at a dance and told her he wanted to dance with her "in the worst way." He loved music but he didn't dance at his inaugural balls.
Alexander Gardner on Wikimedia
20. He Was A Jokester & A Storyteller
Lincoln was known for being a jokester and storyteller, so much so that he earned the nickname "prankster-in-chief." He was also a great storyteller and would use this skill to emotionally persuade people into action.

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