Inked on Deck and Behind Bars
During the Victorian era, tattoos were only common among sailors and convicts. It could have something to do with the years spent trapped behind bars or on ships at sea. While many inked their skin with symbolic motifs of hardship, these tattoos remain popular today with similar or contrasting meanings.
Lt. Comdr. Charles Fenno Jacobs (1904-1975) for the U.S. Navy on Wikimedia
1. The Swallow
Just like Captain Jack Sparrow, many sailors and pirates alike had a swallow tattoo. For the men out at sea, the swallow was a symbol of good luck and protection, something they needed every time they set sail.
Levingston M Lewis on Wikimedia
2. The Anchor
The anchor has been represented in tattoos for centuries, and it makes sense it was originally inked by the sailors. It's a reminder that there is always hope for a safe harbor, even when faced with a storm in the middle of the ocean. It symbolizes hope, stability, and salvation.
3. The Mermaid
To the original sailors, the mystical mermaid represented temptation, mystery, and destruction. She was a reminder of the unknown dangers in the open water. Stories of mermaids that lured sailors to the depths of the sea were common folklore.
4. The Compass
The compass was their navigational tool on board the ship and a popular tattoo amongst the crew. We see it inked on many bodies to this day. The compass represented good fortune during a sailor's journey and a guide that would bring them home to their families.
Jonas Strandell from Västerås, Sweden on Wikimedia
5. The Ship
Back in the day, the ship was more like home to the sailors. They spent months out at sea and would go days without seeing land. A ship tattoo represented home away from home as well as adventure. It expressed a sailor's deep connection to the ocean and life on the move.
6. The Skull & Crossbones
Represented by seafarers and convicts alike, the skull and crossbones was, and still is, a very common tattoo. It's symbolism isn't a secret, it represents mortality and danger. The fear of death was always lingering in the air that the prisoners and pirates breathed.
7. The Nautical Heart
Life at sea meant you spent a long time away from your sweetheart. Sailors frequently left their families and loved ones and longed for the day they reunited. Nautical heart tattoos were an expression of love often seen on sailors and prisoners alike.
8. The Nautical Star
Like a compass, the nautical star symbolized guidance, direction, and protection. It was hope for survival and a reminder that even through the darkest times, there's a light to follow that'll take you home. The stars in the night sky were often used as natural navigation tools.
9. The Sea Creature
Sailors were fascinated by the sea and the mysteries below. They often encountered alluring creatures and retold tales of sea monsters. An octopus and other sea animals were often the motifs for a sailor tattoo, symbolizing mystery and danger of the unknown.
Tony Alter from Newport News, USA on Wikimedia
10. The Ropes & Knots
Sailors learned to tie many types of knots throughout their life at sea. They portrayed their craft and skill by inking their skin with knot motifs. Certain knots depicted their rank or accomplishments. Rope tattoos today hold various meanings and symbolism.
11. The Cross
Sailors and prisoners often showcased their faith in ink. Christianity was a part of their culture and the cross or crucifix held a lot of meaning. Not only did it represent the religion, it was a symbol of prayer for a safe journey.
12. The Cobweb
These days, cobweb tattoos are represented in many ways with various symbolic meanings. To many ancient convicts who felt like a fly trapped in a web, spider webs were inked to their skin to expose their sentences. Often each strand signified how many years they were serving locked behind bars.
13. The Tear Drop
A tear drop tattoo would not be recommended if you don't truly understand its significance. Many folks associated tear drop tattoos, particularly on the face, with either the number of years served or number of people the convict murdered. It's not a lighthearted tattoo.
14. The Playing Cards
When an inmate sported a tattoo of a card from a deck, it typically represented gambling. Sometimes a specific card or suit held a deeper meaning, like a heart representing someone looking for romance. Card tattoos hold similar meanings today and not just on prisoners.
15. The Smoking Pipe
Smoking was a common motif for tattoos amongst convicts and sailors, often portraying a face of someone smoking a pipe. Smoking was something they appreciated because it brought them pleasure during their rough and dangerous life.
Royal Navy official photographer on Wikimedia
16. The Flower
We can't say that flower tattoos originated from prisoners and sailors, but they were a common motif nonetheless. Sometimes florals wrapped around wrists or necks were there to act like jewelry. Often animals or butterflies were added to a flower design and inked on the toughest men.
17. The Scorpion
In the modern world, scorpions hold various meanings among different people and cultures. If you had a scorpion tattoo back in the day, it often meant you'd done jail time. Open claws and raised tails could've symbolized status but scorpions in general meant you made it through a difficult time.
18. The Dots
Dots make cute little tattoos today, and are very popular on fingers. However, back in the rough prison times, dots represented criminal identity and were often associated with gangs. The number of dots sometimes corresponded with jail time. Three dots by the eyes could've been a symbol for the holy trinity from Christianity.
19. The Clock
The clock tattoo presumably represents "doing time" but to old convicts, the clock hands gave away more significance. The hands would point at the number of years of their sentence. A clock without hands often meant the prisoner was locked up for life.
20. The Barbed Wire
Like many other prison tattoos, barbed wire often exposed how many years the wearer was sentenced in jail. Each wire represented a year spent locked up. The design has been adopted today to represent other meanings of hardship and struggles.

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